Well, I've had one online class this week and I'm afraid it's going to be a LONG semester. Science left me behind a long time ago!
On the other hand.... I have now finished 5 of the 10 activities I need for my Intro. to Educational Technology. And... I have an "A" so far!
It looks like we may just make the counting cut-off. Everyone has to be enrolled by the 27th here in Alaska so that schools can count the students and find out how much money the government is going to pay up for next year. We "think" we're going to get to stay here in Pedro Bay for the rest of this year. That will be great!!
Went bear "hunting" last night ---- nothing. BUT, the salmon are STACKED up in the little creek that goes through the village out to the airport. Last night they were just lined up like people waiting in line. Side by side..... not going anywhere.... just waiting.... I'm going to try and get a picture of it. There were hundreds of fish in that little creek.
Cool Beans! (: